Jan 30, 2024
How to Tell When Your Chevrolet Needs a New Car Battery

A reliable battery usually goes unnoticed in a car, as it just keeps doing what it was made to do. When you see any of the following signs, though, you’ll want to call your Chevrolet dealership and see about getting a new car battery.

Unexpected Power Fluctuations

Unexpected power fluctuations can manifest in several ways, such as the car’s entertainment system turning on and off, power seats moving slower than usual, or power mirrors malfunctioning. These fluctuations often occur because the battery is unable to provide a stable power supply to the car’s electrical components.

Trouble with Cold Starts

If your car struggles to start on cold mornings, it could be a sign of a weak battery. Cold temperatures can greatly affect battery performance, reducing its ability to hold a charge. If the battery is already weakened or close to the end of its life, you may not be able to start at all in colder conditions.

The Smell of Sulfur

A failing battery can sometimes emit a distinct sulfuric smell, similar to rotten eggs. This odor is due to the leakage or evaporation of the internal battery acid. If you notice this smell, it’s important to check your battery immediately, as it can indicate a serious issue that may be dangerous.

Age and Mileage Considerations

While age has been mentioned as a factor in battery health, the vehicle’s mileage can also play a role. High mileage vehicles may experience more wear on the battery due to prolonged use and frequent charging cycles, even if the battery is otherwise fairly young. If your vehicle has high mileage, it’s wise to keep a closer eye on the battery’s performance, and especially if you take lots of short trips every day.

Intermittent Starting Issues

Intermittent starting issues are a common sign of a battery nearing the end of its life. Unlike a consistently slow crank (which is also an issue, but a more obvious one), you might find that the car starts fine one day but struggles the next. This inconsistency usually means the battery can hold a charge temporarily but is unreliable overall.

Warped Battery Shape

In addition to swelling, other forms of warping or deformity in the battery case can indicate problems. This might include irregular bulges or indentations not typical of a healthy battery.

Voltage Test Readings

A more technical sign of battery failure is found through voltage test readings. A healthy car battery should typically hold around 12.6 volts when fully charged and not under load. You can test this yourself if you know how and have the equipment, but your Chevy dealer will also do this for you when you come in for routine maintenance.

If you notice these signs or just want to get your battery checked, come to Heartland Chevrolet right away for help.